2015: 26 Thank yous I owe to God

I guess you can say this is a special post since I'm posting this on a different time than my usual time and is on a special topic or you can say this is a very late post...really depends if you are optimistic or pessimistic.. I guess.

Remember that one post where I challenged you and myself personally to think of one thing to be thankful about everyday till Thanksgiving?

Probably not. It’s all cool….cause I forgot myself as well. I’ve been busy coming up with 1500 words describing Fort Point (if you haven’t gone there, you should go like no joke), asking the computer to store things in rings of nodes (Joo, I finally know how to appreciate a hash code, you proud of me? :P) and proving 2 is indeed an even number. So it’s been quite a month and that’s why I didn’t post until now.

Alright, I know those are all excuses. But I did list up to 12 things. So I’m going to come up with 14 things as I’m writing this. (Oh, on a side note: I realize a lot  some of you think that I write on the spot, as in, every Saturday morning. Eh. I wish I’m that fast of a writer. I usually write a couple days before and try to proofread/revise/edit before I actually post this thing. I know the final draft is still full of crappy grammar but, believe it or not, it was even crappier. #StoryOfMyLyfe)

26 things/People/whatever I’m thankful for– 2015 Style (order has no relevance):

  1. Mom who takes care of my dirty laundry, cooks for my poor little soul when I’m back from SJ, and finally finds the way to leave all her encouraging comments on this blog (all on her own too… very impressive)
  2. Dad who drives me back to SJ every Sunday night, teaches me how to be a decent driver despite all his fears, and is willing to submit to any dinner plan that I suggest every weekend
  3. Yoloers+1: Ruth, Grace, Jacky. Family is family. Enough said.
  4. Chance to attend SJSU. College is expensive like no joke. (More rants coming your way in future post.)
  5. 219 Buddies: Bernice and Baoyue. How can I survive without you guys’ presences in Hoover 219?!
  6. KCCC. You guys are like my family over in SJSU. Feeding me all those kimchi and bulgogi. Beyond that, I’m truly blessed to be part of this ministry and to be able to grow together spiritually. Let’s win the campus today! (Special shoutout to my soonjang: Lily!)
  7. CSFers: my CIBC homies/bros and sis back at home.
  8. Breakfast Club: Vera and Joseph. My entertainment every Tues and Thurs breakfast (Thanks for marathoning HSM with me!)
  9. (Not-So) Random people in my life who continue to encourage me throughout: Tak who takes me out of dinning common misery, Winnie who is still my true homie in high school and now, and Joo who you can read more about this special homie here
  10. Ability to read, write, learn, and ultimately, think freely
  11. Having this free space to rant my heart out
  12. First Amendment: freedom of religion. being able to freely worship my God who has given me all these wonderful things
  13. Bible which keeps me grounded all these times
  14. All of the Chau family members for being understanding and patient with me (especially when my code doesn’t work)
  15. Water. I’m serious. CA drought got me really conscious.
  16. Professors I have this semester who are not as scary as I’ve anticipated earlier
  17. Gym for keeping me away from Freshman 15
  18. Peace. It’s cheesy but we shouldn’t take for granted any minute of it. Especially now with all these terrifying events happening everywhere.
  19. Memories and the ability to remember them. Memories make up who I am today. Memories are my source of inspiration for this blog. Without my memories, I am nothing–no one.
  20. Two years of Project Pull internships, all the experience, all the people I’ve met, and all of my mentors who taught me. Really though, I’m suffering less this semester because of what I’ve learned.
  21. AHS and all the teachers who prepped me well for college
  22. Loner/ Solitude moments. How precious when you are able to talk to yourself while enjoying a cup of coffee. Priceless.
  23. Trees. SJ has no trees in comparison to Alameda where every corner has at least one tree. I know I never expected myself to say this…but I miss trees.
  24. My parents who are still willing to pay for my phone bills. Data plan is no joke. I realize I have to be really ballin’ to afford a data plan myself.
  25. Struggles and my infinite loops. Now that I think about it. These times really build your character. You don’t really get the same experience if you only watch k-drama all day. Through theses experiences, you know your weaknesses and strengths. You know yourself.
  26. You who are willing to read all 26 things without changing the web address to somewhere else.

Of course these 26 things are not the only things that I’m thankful for. But I figured this post would blow up if I go on.

Hope this list somewhat inspired you to make up your own list. I truly hope this Thanksgiving, you will not only focus on Black Friday, turkey, and Cyber Monday but also the whole reason of this holiday– to stop, reflect, and appreciate all the things you’ve been blessed with.

Nothing is inevitable.

Be thankful. Be giving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

-18 years old Faith

P.S. Don’t eat too much. Trust me, all those fat goodness will come back and get you later. Control yourself.

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  1. First thing you have to thank is our creator.


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